Here Today, Gone Yesterday [FICTOID]

Here Today, Gone Yesterday [FICTOID]

She tossed the ball up in the air to show her toddler how to catch it, and while tracking its trajectory her eyes were dazzled by the sun, and in that moment a flash occurred in her brain and suddenly she became aware of her previous incarnation as a scribe in ancient Mesopotamia and with that awareness all the memories came flooding back of her life her childhood her marriages her family the intricacies of the court everything there was to know about the time and culture yet she retained enough awareness of her present life to realize this was an incredible revelation not just for historians who could now fill in huge gaps in history and gain a clearer picture of the past but spiritually as well as proof reincarnation existed and we all get second and third and fourth and fifth chances ad infinitum and as that awareness overwhelmed her the ball came back down and =bonk!= smacked her squarely on the forehead and while it didn’t hurt her it broke the connection with the past and everything she realized in that split-second vanished liked a dream.

“Like that, mommy?” her toddler asked.



© Buzz Dixon

George Lucas Is A Lousy Storyteller, Episode Two

George Lucas Is A Lousy Storyteller, Episode Two

George Lucas Is A Lousy Storyteller, Episode One

George Lucas Is A Lousy Storyteller, Episode One